Redesigned Europeana launched

Posted by beritaini

on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Based on users’ feed­back we’ve been receiv­ing since our launch in Novem­ber 2008, Euro­peana under­went a sig­nif­i­cant makeover. The new Euro­peana is now more visual, inter­ac­tive and eas­ier to use.
Explore Europeana
Here are some of the new things you can do on Europeana:
• You can eas­ily find our lat­est vir­tual exhi­bi­tions, con­tent high­lights and Euro­peana ini­tia­tives on the image carousel, the “Fea­tured item” sec­tion or in the top nav­i­ga­tion link “Explore”.
• You can trans­late infor­ma­tion about an item into your lan­guage with the trans­late func­tion.
• You can find more infor­ma­tion about an item, its cre­ator or its genre on exter­nal sites, like Wikipedia or Ama­zon, by click­ing through from Europeana.
• You can copy your favourite item to your site with the embed func­tion.
• You can quickly find ways to inter­act with other users through our blog, Face­book page, or Euro­peana Remix.

Redesigned Europeana launched