Increase Unique Visitors

Posted by beritaini

on Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The key to making money from your website / blog is how you can increase your unique visitors. The more people who visit your page, the more possibilities of earning money from your website / blog. So, basically making money online revolve around how to increase unique visitors.

So what is the best way to increase unique visitors without spending all your money or even without any money?

From where we started. By following the simple tactics that can drastically increase the number of people visiting your website / blog.

The most successful technique is to write articles and submit them to article directories. Highly online directories that accept original and quality articles. It's free and you do not have to pay them any subscription or membership fees. You can write articles yourself to avoid additional costs or hire the services of a freelance writer who is ready to write at an affordable price.

The most important thing to consider is that articles should be written specifically with the "niche" that your website is related to the article. Write on selected topics and specific rather than covering a whole lot of things. And also, try to write on subjects that you feel comfortable with it. This makes you look like an expert and was the original article.

Methods of traffic will automatically increase the unique visitors as the reader back to your site to know more about the topic you are writing. It is advised to create informative articles such as 'how to' and give you tips or further instructions to the reader who hopes to learn something after spending that is not useless on your site. Keep it simple, informative and interesting.

Making best use of the resource box at the bottom of each article to link pages. Also, can you give some specific personal information here. Your article will eventually be distributed on other sites if your articles are good quality and enhance the unique visitors without you doing anything.

Another cheap and efficient techniques to increase website traffic is to join forums and communities on the internet. It involves no cost at all, but you are expected to spend time online. Join the forums and community related to your niche website. This creates an opportunity for free advertising. You can give your expert opinion and share knowledge on the topic and about your website to create more awareness. Your online personality should reflect the quality of your site. Once you are trusted by other forum members, they will help you boost your unique visitors.
